your reliable product supplier

Your health
is important to us.

  • 450
    cooperating companies
  • 100
    Customer Satisfaction

Safe and high quality

We deliver our quality products to you with our trust.

fast transportation

Our wide and fast transportation networks are where ever you are!

Europe-wide delivery

Our company has been operating corporately for years all over Europe.

Wide Product Range

We serve you with our wide range of products and our own brands.

Mobil Harita

15 years of

Mobil Harita

15 years of

About Us

Our story began in 2005 as a small beverage retailer that specialized in delivering high-quality drinks to our customers. From the very beginning, we focused on offering our customers a wide selection of beverages and distinguishing ourselves with excellent service and fast deliveries.
In 2009, we decided to transform our company into a GmbH to support our growth and better serve our customers. Since then, we have continuously invested in our infrastructure, personnel, and technology to ensure that we can always provide our customers with the best service possible.

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What are we doing ?

We are a company that interacts with the right customers and branding their own products and offering them to their customers with confidence

More than 450 customers
trust us !

We are working hard to deliver water and similar foodstuffs, which form the basis of healthy life, to you in the most reliable way, and we are getting stronger day by day.

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